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Bottom Hat

Enhances the fine details or small objects within an image by subtracting an opened version of the image from the original.

🖼️ Image options and parameters of bottomHat method
🎭 Mask options and parameters of bottomHat method

Similarly to top hat, bottom hat operation computes the difference between two images. However, if top hat was using opening method, bottom hat is using closing method. The purpose of bottom hat(or, as it is also called, black-hat) is to enhance and extract darker regions of the image.

Ran in 0.00μs (Infinity ops/s)

Kinds of images compatible with algorithm

Image propertyWhat it meansPossible values
bitDepthnumber of bits per channel[1,8,16]
componentsnumber of components[1]
alphais alpha channel allowedfalse

Parameters and default values


Parameters and options for Images and Masks are the same.

  • options


PropertyRequiredDefault value
kernelno[[1, 1, 1],[1, 1, 1],[1, 1, 1]]

The method is also available for Masks.